Thursday, January 1, 2009

Trip to Kathmandu, Solukhumbu and Pokhara

Travelling with Leon and Stacy was really an enjoyable experience. I don't know how Leon and Stacy must have felt when they first landed at Kathmandu but gradually they began to enjoy our stay in Nepal. Leon and Stacy preferred to stay at my uncle's house in Kathmandu at Kapan than any guesthouse or hotel. I was really glad that they did not complain or anything but liked it!

After a day's stay in Kathmandu we took a flight to SOLUKHUMBU and landed at PHAPLU airport. While landing we could see the amazing sight of DUHKUNDA HIMAL ( mountain). The very day we landed, we took a brisk walk to NAYA BAZAAR through SALLERI. There I introduced them to my friends and family's friends. We also had a taste of local liquor ( CHANG!). I think only Leon and Stacy would do justice in recounting the experience. After that, we returned to Phaplu where we were based at a guest house. That night we looked at stars and enjoyed the cold night.

The next day we travelled to my primary school, Mt. Everest School in CHAILSA, a tibetan refugee camp area. We mingled with the kids and distributed them pencils and sweets. The school was also generous enough to treat us to lunch at the school. It was delicious. While in Chailsa, we visited the local tea houses and the monastries where large prayer flags swayed peacefully. When we were done with Chailsa, we returned back to Phaplu and the day after my friends just relaxed at Phaplu before flying off to Kathmandu the day after.

After a day's stay in Kathmandu, we reserved a car and went to pokhara. At Pokhara, we went around 'toursity' areas and we also had an amazing boat ride on FEWA LAKE. After the ride, we had a brief trek to visit the japanese buddhist temple situated atop a hill from where we could have panaromic views of ANNAPURNA RANGE AND MACCHAPUCHRE HIMAL. We also woke up really early to catch the magnificent sunrise while it glimmered on
the mountain ranges. All in all, the trip was really worth it! When we returned to Kathmandu, myself, leon and stacy shopped for a while before they flew off to Singapore.

Month: December

Trip itinerary:
Day 1: Arrive in Kathmandu
Day 2: Rest in Kathmandu
Day 3: 35 mins flight to Phaplu and 30 mins walk to Naya Bazaar
Day 4: 2 hrs walk to Chailsa and 2 hrs walk back
Day 5: Rest at Phaplu
Day 6: Fly to Kathmandu
Day 7: Drive to Pokhara
Day 8: Boating and viewing mountain ranges in Pokhara
Day 9: Drive to Kathmandu
Day 10: Flight to Singapore!

Dawa Sherpa